Monday, July 21, 2014

Serendipitous to the Point of Uncanny.

OK so this may be cheating a little bit since I didn't create this image today, but the serendipity surrounding this picture is off the charts. I really must post this.

I shot this image at an old motel in the town I used to live in 8 miles south of where I currently live. I worked some Photoshop magic on it at the time to appear as if it was glowing at night. The old neon tubes were broken off and hanging, so it definitely wasn't easy to restore. 

It was July 21, 2006 when I shot it. I remember because I was off work that Friday. Back then my summer job schedule had me working 4 days a week. I took my day off to go shooting around town with my Nikon D70 camera and a tripod. My grandmother passed away suddenly early that next morning, July 22.

Fast forward to approximately 8 years to the day from when I shot my image and this appeared today on Facebook on a local page that celebrates our city's history: 

I learned that the motel used to sit just a few minutes from where I currently live but then the entire building and sign were moved to the location pictured here. The motel was torn down at some point, not exactly sure of when. 

What are the chances of this, I am still in amazement. 

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