Friday, August 29, 2014

Change the Conversation.

Well, this is my 100th post! For all 2 or 3 of you who might occasionally glance at my blog, thanks for sticking by me this whole time. I wish I had something better to post for this milestone, but the truth is I've had some personal things weighing on me lately and this blog has taken a backseat. Plus I've been trying to finish up the drawing lessons I've been doing- which have taught me a ton! I've not been great this whole month at keeping up with this as I have in the entire lifetime of this blog. Part of me says, well it's my blog, my rules.. and the other part of me thinks I'm slacking badly and I need to just keep at it.

Here's a quote from one of my favorite TV icons from one of my most favorite shows- Mad Men.

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