Friday, May 23, 2014

Keep JoCo Beige.

So technically I skipped a day since yesterday was spent traveling. I just returned from the airport and it's 3AM. But I made sure to post as soon as I got home... after showering my cats with chin scratches after having not seen them in days. I needed my feline fix. Priorities. ;)

This is a parody I made of the Keep Tahoe Blue stickers that you commonly see around the Lake Tahoe area and surrounding. I'm not particularly fond of the area I currently live in- it's a suburb. In many areas around here almost everything you see is beige and manicured.  Yes crime is low and I have all of the things I need (restaurants, grocery stores, Target, etc.)... but I long to live somewhere that is more urban, colorful and cultured. This place is great for people with kids because of the schools, but children are not in my plans.  I'm very bored, and just returning from Seattle amplifies that.

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